
Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I just noticed that in 2009 I blogged 92 times... In 2008 I blogged 134 times... and the last three months I have only blogged 6 times each month (THAT'S WHY I AM BLOGGING RIGHT NOW TO MAKE IT 7 TIMES IN DECEMBER!

I need to blog more in 2010!

I wonder if because I had a bf in 2008 if I blogged more? Maybe because I was working at Liberty and found it easier to blog during the day... I think I am actually more busy here than at Liberty.... Well, the busy stuff is more fun that the Liberty busy work... Now I am rambling.

Wants, peeves and Resolutions - Here I come 2010

My wants and resolutions are basically the same - a DRAMA FREE 2010... Is that too much to ask? I don't think, or can recall, that I have actually been the cause of the drama but I know I have been surrounded by it for quite a long time. So, I know I used to be the "Go To Gal" for advise (or maybe because I used to be a YES GIRL) but BACK the EFF off if you are going to come to me and cause me to become enswirled (I think I just made that word up) in your drama... Save it!

I want to rant about a big peeve that I would like to see changed (BECAUSE I SAID SO) in 2010. I vaguely remember from Drivers Ed that at dawn and dusk DRIVERS MUST TURN THEIR LIGHTS ON... Why don't all people abide by that? Maine also has it right - in their laws it states if a motorist is to have their wipers on, their lights should be on too. Really, is that difficult? I drive 80 miles a day and some times more and I ALWAYS have my lights on and it isn't because of day time running lamps. (DUDE, my pt still has a cassette, even though it is a 2005, do you honestly expect it to have day time running lamps? Pushaw!) And I don't think these dumbasses who don't have their lights on are wrapped up in the urban legend bs that if you flash your high beams at them it is a gang initiation and they will kill you. I CALL BULL CRAP! This is NH, not Compton!

So, to sum all this up. I have zero tolerance for any drama and turn your damn lights on! Oh, and quit playing your bass so loud... That's it - Mills out!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Good friends and good times

I met up with my friend Lisa, who lives in VA and my friend Marianne, who lives in MA, yesterday for our now ANNUAL Christmas lunch. We went to the Loop in Metheun - which is the same place we went last year for our lunch...

We sat and talked for at least 3 hours at our table - and I can honestly say NOTHING BEATS THAT. To be amongst friends chit chatting about what ever our hearts desire, it was such good times. I didn't want it to end.

Luckily, we found out that Lisa will be coming back up in March to see UNH gymnastics host the EAGL Championship. YAY!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dreams for the future

My new mantra for 2010 is BETTER MEN in 2010... However, I have one true wish for my future (maybe not so much in 2010 because I don't know how it is possible) but I would love to not have to live paycheck to paycheck.

I don't have any credit cards because I know that I can't have them - I would have flat screens in every room and not know how to pay for them. I just don't want to worry about wanting something new. Not even a luxury item, but not to be concerned that I won't have gas to get to work or rationalize toll money to having dinner.

So - here's to 2010!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Silent night

Weird. I don't know what my problem is. I know that I personally watch TV really loud. However, I have an aversion to BASS (not the fish, the loud stuff in music, specifically rap)... I don't even have the bass on in my car.

I hate it when I am sitting in my apartment and hear bass - and it hasn't really happened before tonight. First someone steals my fed ex package and now someone is blaring bass. Okay, so I don't know what happened to me in my life that it causes me to get SO ANGRY when I can hear bass in my apartment... It gets me so fed up that every time I hear it, I have to pause or mute the TV and make sure it is really what I am hearing, and guess what - it is really what I am hearing...

So, it angers me so much, it makes my heart race and tonight I actually had to leave my house and go and do something for a little bit to calm back down... In leaving my apartment, NO LIE, when I got to my car and turned it on -the radio started to play KID ROCK. It wasn't my Ipod or a CD - it was WHEB playing BAWITABA. I totally had a Kid Rock moment...

After my Kid Rock moment, I get back and now all I can hear is bass. I have even turned up my own TV to the point that it is really loud. You know, this bass isn't even really that loud, but it hurts my head. I don't know what about bass bothers me. Heck, I love Lance Bass.

I think it brings me back to being in a noisy dorm room, or living in Emerald Court when I was student teaching and just hearing bam bam bam of the bass when I was trying to sleep. It gets me all worked up, gives me a head ache and sadly, it makes me feel like I have to leave my apartment...

I just want to turn my TV down and not hear boom boom boom. Why does bass make me so unhappy? It gives me slight anxiety (or makes my heart race and makes it hard for me to breath)... isn't that weird? Why does it make me get all worked up? Normal people get worked up about spiders or lightening. I get all a flutter (not in a good way) about hearing bass in my apartment.

Do I think that I won't be able to sleep? I don't know... But it disrupts me.

Derby Filled weekend

I totally did all things derby this weekend, except skate - that's this Thursday (and I can't wait) - that rhymes.

NHRD was #73 in the Manchester Holiday Spirit parade - in the snow and wet and cold... And then yesterday was a Photo shoot... How fun was that? I haven't done a photo shoot since the mole and it wasn't as exciting as a photo shoot on skates, making mean faces, growling and making fists!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

"Brake" Dancing

For the past three months, I have been, or so I thought, Waltzing to and from work - but in actuality it was more of a disjointed, contemporary dance... Probably choreographed by Mia Michaels.

In having my car looked over to see what was out of step, I was advising I only had about a week left of dancing - IF THAT- or I would have had to take my dancing shoes off for a while, or cause other people the same fate.

However, my dance step is back in beat, I am performing like a precision dancer - ARGENTINE TANGO STYLE.... Just gotta figure out how to pay for the lessons!