
Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Wants, peeves and Resolutions - Here I come 2010

My wants and resolutions are basically the same - a DRAMA FREE 2010... Is that too much to ask? I don't think, or can recall, that I have actually been the cause of the drama but I know I have been surrounded by it for quite a long time. So, I know I used to be the "Go To Gal" for advise (or maybe because I used to be a YES GIRL) but BACK the EFF off if you are going to come to me and cause me to become enswirled (I think I just made that word up) in your drama... Save it!

I want to rant about a big peeve that I would like to see changed (BECAUSE I SAID SO) in 2010. I vaguely remember from Drivers Ed that at dawn and dusk DRIVERS MUST TURN THEIR LIGHTS ON... Why don't all people abide by that? Maine also has it right - in their laws it states if a motorist is to have their wipers on, their lights should be on too. Really, is that difficult? I drive 80 miles a day and some times more and I ALWAYS have my lights on and it isn't because of day time running lamps. (DUDE, my pt still has a cassette, even though it is a 2005, do you honestly expect it to have day time running lamps? Pushaw!) And I don't think these dumbasses who don't have their lights on are wrapped up in the urban legend bs that if you flash your high beams at them it is a gang initiation and they will kill you. I CALL BULL CRAP! This is NH, not Compton!

So, to sum all this up. I have zero tolerance for any drama and turn your damn lights on! Oh, and quit playing your bass so loud... That's it - Mills out!

1 comment:

Mama Mia said...

Today I heard a song w/a lot of bass and I thought of you. Come to think of it I also heard Nsync and thought of were on my mind today!