
Saturday, May 2, 2009

Once again, it is the little things

I just saw the most beautiful thing... I went to the library this morning and there was a line of people - probably 12 (does that constitute a gaggle?) waiting for the doors to open. I think that is magnificent.

Whenever I move somewhere, and those who know me know I move A LOT, the first place I have to find is the public library. I am sure that makes me a dork or a nerd but I don't care. I love to buy books but I like to read SO much that my last name would have to be TRUMP in order to afford all the books I want to have. Plus, a book is the cheapest vacation one can afford. Who doesn't like to open a book and live vicariously through the words on the page?

I tend to think I am rather cerebral. This isn't me tooting my own horn because that would be fruitless. I mean, I got a degree from Keene State College (Kinda Sorta College) and I graduated with what I think was a 3.03, so I am not Einstein. What I mean is I tend to live my life in my head. I go through scenarios and possibilities of everything... From possible different endings of TV shows, why people do/say/act the way they do, what if I had the balls to react in a different way - that kind of stuff.

So, with me being in my own head so much, it makes a book my best friend, you know what I mean? It is said that your brain doesn't know the difference between one visualizing oneself doing a back flip or really, physically doing a back flip. How couldn't that translate into reading a book? The people on the pages are living life to the fullest because they don't have any fears because they don't really exist. Fiction is amazing. Fiction gives one the ability to visualize without having to actually do and your brain doesn't even know the difference.

The proverbial crap has hit the fan personally for me and lately I have withdrawn and put my head inside books. My book reality never lets me down. I know I am a TV addict too, but there is something different about sitting and watching fiction unfold on TV, there is no disconnect. I have to watch and pay attention. However, when I read I am really right there. It is like when I get up in the morning and get into the shower. The shower is where most of my actual thinking takes place. There is a moment when I am pondering stuff and I am not actually in that shower, I am in that moment - that is what is so cool about reading a book. When I read I know I am on the toilet or on the treadmill but my mind paints a picture that is so much better than my real life.

So, maybe that means I like to live my life in the not so real word. Is that so wrong? Sometimes the lives in the books I read are so much better than my own. Other times, I wonder what is so appealing about a damn vampire.

1 comment:

Mom of 3 Boys said...

i love the library too :)