
Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Odd feeling

I had a softball game tonight. It wasn't for my regular team THUNDERBALLS. It was a pick up game Bedford Fire department vs. Bedford Police Department - when I heard that they needed players for the FD I was all for it... THINKING THERE MAY BE SOME HANDSOME MEN THERE...

There were some handsome men on the PD - ALL EFFEN MARRIED... Which I think got me into a funk. I got up 5 times, and was 1-4 (on an error by the third baseman who I think did it on purpose, even though we won 16-5)... However, the whole point of this blog is that I had absolutely no one to call and tell this too. I texted my sister, no response. I thought about texting Holly but she was probably busy with her kids. Marianne was probably with Ryan, Lisa probably putting Ashley to bed... Notice these are all females? Absolutely no guy to chit chat/flirt with... That' s sad. EXTREMELY SAD. My therapist said, "lose another 30-40lbs and MAYBE the guys will come chasing after you... NICE... So, I am just sad.

Even my co-worker said she was falling in love. I say this because if anyone has heard me talk about my older co-worker would know that I am HANDS DOW more gorgeous than her (well, duh! But seriously.) That's what gets me thinking WTF... ON facebook I saw that the biggest loser at my high school, who we all questioned if he actually bathed at all, IS MARRIED. Mind you, she appears to be a wicked winner but still... HOW COME EVEN THE LOSER OF MY CLASS GETS LOVE? It isn't like I am not putting myself out there, but JUMPIN JEHOSAFAT!!!! I am not a leper...

Sorry - I just had to vent because I am 28 lbs down and feel great and am working hard and making a lot of life style changes and it feels like it is all for naught and secretly I would like to get a large Hawaiian pizza delivered and just hoover it down.... AARRGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!


ldolloph said...

You can call me anytime. I always have time for you! Keep with your plan. You keep saying how good you're feeling and that's most important. A man will pop in your life when you least expect it, but you already know this! Love you!

H said...

Dude! Your therapist actually said that?! I would be SO PISSED!

You can call me, too, goober.

Now I'm dying to know who the biggest loser in your class was. You'll have to tell me next time I see you.