
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

That's SNOT fair

I have been taking a 10mg loratidine pill every day for the last 10 years (basically when I started teaching) because I am very prone to sinus infections. If I don't take this medication it will result in me having to go on an antibiotic and feeling like full blown ass. One time, I was in Keene for a pledging activity and I had to be driven all the way home by someone else to my parents' house because I had a MASSIVE fever. Side bar- I can't even drink yummy GIN because that SPARKS sinus infections in those who are prone - learned that the hard way during buy one get one free in SPAIN.

None the less, my ARNP last year gave me a starter kid for this SINUS rinse thing - and for all intents and purposes it is GROSS but it works like magic. I woke up this morning with that yucky post nasal drip feeling and I was like, "Ah-hah! I should get my sinus rinse out!" I happened to have purchased in bulk the sodium packets last year, because this thing saved my life.

Basically all you do is fill this bottle thing up to a pre-determined line with warm water. You pour in the packet of sodium whatever - swill it around with your finger over the cap. Her comes the gross part... You bend over your sink and squeeze the bottle up one nostril then blow out whatever is in your nose - then switch nostrils... It takes a bit to get used to but it is an amazing life saver.

Currently I still have a little post nasal feeling going but I have only done the treatment once - I will do it when I get home tonight too - twice a day during the winter months should suffice and I will keep you posted. I am hoping this will solve my previous bloody nose issue and keep me from getting sick.

I give it two thumbs up - give it a shot and if you have any questions let me know.

1 comment:

H said...

Maybe you should be encouraging people to give it a snot ;)