
Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I think I am turning into one of NBC's HEROES

For most of you who know me, know my pledge name is SAY WUH? because I don't really hear that well - I think that is changing, therefore I am evolving into a Hero - look out Cheerleader... SAVE THE KATIE, SAVE THE WORLD - well definitely.

I think my sense of hearing is heightening to new bounds. For example, yesterday, sitting at my desk I was typing away AND listening to my ipod and I could hear the girl two desks away CHOMPING on her gum literally like it was her job. I shot her some wayward glances but she was clueless (PER USUAL). Finally, I turned my ipod up louder- TO NO AVAIL... Interesting.

Then, later on yesterday I went to the Macy's in Bedford to pick up a gift card for my manager for a group Christmas gift from our team and I got in the first line I could see. Behind me walked up this woman who answered her cell phone and started speaking in half Spanish/half obnoxious and she was so loud. I had to turn around a few times because I literally thought she was all up in my kool-aid. So, the line was moving so slowly and finally it was my turn and the woman, still fluent in obnoxious, was on the phone and she had two people with her. I moved up to the counter and this roley poley boy (probably 12 years old and hadn't had a growth spurt in a while) flanked my right side and wouldn't go away. I wanted to turn to him and say, "I need my personal space and you are invading it right now!" But I refrained. It was hard to refrain but I did. Then it was time for me to put my pin in and that kid was STILL flanking me to the right. I looked over at him with a menacing look and covered the pin pad like he was going to cheat off my math exam... Finally my turn was over and I went to leave and the cell phone lady was STILL on the phone (ANOTHER PET PEEVE- get off the phone when you are checking out at a register) and in a huff I said, "GET OFF THE PHONE" and walked out...

So either my new super power is intense hearing or that I am a magnet for rude people. Not quite sure. Still, I should be on the show giving Ali Larter a run for her money.

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