
Saturday, December 20, 2008

White Trash Thursday

I went to Wal-mart to return the incorrect cable that I had purchased for a DVD player and there was a woman there (see photo, white jacket) and she was shaking, leaning half over and looked like she was passing out... It was so bad that my friend went to one of the Wal-mart employees to say this woman is passing out... Wal-mart lady said there was nothing she could do *another reason why I was returning my purchase and buying something at target*

Finally I got up to the customer service person and this lady was trying to return some stuff, she didn't have a receipt and was trying to produce her license. NO LIE she like passed out in her purse three times. I made eye contact w/ her and was like, "is she okay? and I hope she isn't driving" (you know how you can convey stuff like that with your eyes, mouthing the words and hand motions)

I was really concerned that since she was in the store returning in this state that she was actually driving in this state, so my friend and I went out to the parking lot to follow her... We had found out that she was going out to her car to find her driver's license. So, we look for her and she was all over the parking lot, obviously unable to find her car... In the parking lot we saw another group of people, who appeared to be intoxicated or on something, and they were yelling and screaming and had a kid in tow. We commented to ourselves, "let's hope she isn't with that group and that they might think she is in the best form to return stuff"

We completely lost her in the parking lot and headed back into the store and she was back at the register WITH one of the people from the parking lot... She was barely able to stand up and her friend muckled onto her for dear life as she was going to fall over...

I called 911. Yup, I did. I didn't think it was safe for her to not be looked out by a professional. Called 911 and the person was nice, but they asked me if she had a history of heart disease. Then she wanted me to ask the person questions... I stated, "I am sorry but I am not talking to her, I don't know what she is on and what she might due to me in her state, so I will NOT speak w/ her or stand closer than 15 feet...

Finally the paramedics show up as she is leaving, still unable to return her purchase (hehehehe) and they take her out front. They pat her down and NO LIE - her friends disappear, like go out the different exit or whatever. I guess they checked her out enough because after approximately 10 minutes the paramedics leave but she is standing in the vestibule with the man with the baby speaking w/ a police officer. She may have gotten sited for public intoxication or whatever. I will have to look in the police log and let you know, but I was beside myself thinking that some one from her group of friends will find out and attack me... Freaked out a little.

I do think, however, I may have done a good deed because I may have saved her life or someone else's if she had been driving...

On another note, I think I may go back to target today and ask someone there what their policy is if something like that happens... I will keep you posted.

1 comment:

Mom of 3 Boys said...

yikes katie! holy moly
you did the right thing.
funny she didnt do return and really 'nice' her 'friends' all disappeared.