
Friday, January 23, 2009

20 years is a long ass time

It dawned on me today, whilst getting my blood work done, that I have had to get blood work done for approximately 20 years.

My dad had a heart attack on my 13th birthday - happy day to me, right? I am almost 33 years old. So, since heart disease/high cholesterol (or as they call it in the biz hypercholesterolemia) runs in my family.

It is slight harrowing as I have a doctor's appointment next week and they are going to tell me if, yet again, I will need cholesterol medicine. This has been a topic of conversation for almost... 20 YEARS. So, fingers crossed that Millsie will be ALL GOOD!

1 comment:

Mom of 3 Boys said...

katie good luck
you are smarter than me. i really need to go to dr to have those same tests done as my mom had those issues :(
after baby, must get to dr!
must stop getting preggers and going to see ob all the time. haha