
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Curiouser and Curiouser

I am curious about a lot of things - however, today I have one specific curiosity that I would like to get to the bottom of.

I know we all complain about stuff - life sucks and people need to vent so they won't explode. However, there is a particular person I work with that finds something to complain about every 5 seconds! It's too cold, it's too hot, it's too noisy - Then it changes to she has TOO MUCH WORK TO DO- and complains that she was notified not exactly 24 hours before a meeting was scheduled or that she doesn't know how to do this or that. I think along w/ these complaints is a sense of entitlement that one should DROP EVERYTHING and answer her questions.

Part of me thinks she is just socially inept and quasi mentally retarded, but my diagnosis is medically unfounded (HOWEVER, I STAND BY IT BECAUSE I DO PLAY A DOCTOR ON TV). None the less - she drives me up a tree... To the point where I email my coworkers saying I am going to punch her in the face! For real! (see previous blog explaining said punching in the face)...

Personally, it takes a lot for me to blow steam out of my ears. I normally let this person bother me until I can't take anymore. For example, I can hear her eating from approx 6-7 feet away right now, but I am not going to call her on it. I will wait til she begins to bitch about something and then make a comment to her. Here's a great example - the other day - we were registering to take our Insurance Adjuster examination for the state of NH and she was having issue w/ her credit card. I asked her a question and she said, "WHY DON'T YOU TRY IT BECAUSE IT IS OBVIOUS IT ISN'T WORKING" in a very rude, crass tone - so I responded - I AM NOT TRYING TO BE A PAIN IN THE ASS, I JUST WANTED TO HELP YOU! This caused neighboring coworkers to secretly laugh at my return serve.

The reason why this blows my top is - DON'T WE ALL HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO? DON'T ALL OF OUR PHONES RING? Like, I am not sitting her for my health or good looks with absolutely nothing on my plate, am I? No, I have crap to do and I do it with out finding something to moan and groan about - plus I do it with a smile on my face and most likely a song in my heart *probably a Dave song for that matter*. Also, if you are cold EVERY GD DAY - where long sleeves! Don't sit there and complain to every person walking by that you are cold - and then put your jacket and scarf on - insert sad violin playing here -

Therefore - I have decided that I will not take this much longer -I told my manager that I can't deal with this person's BS any longer (I am still unsure if that was good or bad of me to do, however, I had to tell her so I don't get fired for punching her in the face). I vow to make it KNOWN to this person that I am not dealing w/ her BS. When she comes over to bitch about something (because no one else is around) she senses my frustration and asked me if she is frustrating me - next time I will say a RESOUNDING yes! I will have to because it just dawned on me that my attempts at ignoring her inappropriate behavior may be ENABLING her. That's it... No more MISS NICE KATIE!


Anonymous said...

Duuuuuude!!! so funny! tell her to shut the hell up then pinch her in the baby maker!!

Anonymous said...

um...DEFINITELY do not pinch her baby maker cuz that's a whole other problem! PUNCH her in the baby maker! if you are gonna pinch anyone's baby maker it better be mine!