
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

I feel crapulous

I just did a search for the word sick to find a great synonym and I found crapulent and crapulous... I totally feel crapulous! That word should have a picture of me next to it in the dictionary... Let me set the stage:

I have a face eating zit! Oh yeah, that is awesome. It is practically gone, but it was so big that I thought that I might have to register it somewhere as it's own landmark.

Out of the blue I started to feel sick sunday - some slight pain on my right side *not over my heart* and thru my armpit and now into my back... Then I felt like I was gonna pass out! At first I thought I was just hungry because it was warm and my friends and I had exerted some physical energy by moving some furniture. Mind you, I don't do well in heat - I do okay exerting physical energy - I actually enjoy sweating whilst doing something as I feel like it means I did something - but after having a yummy burger from Kaylen's I thought I was going to pass out. I couldn't catch my breath and felt really light headed. It made me so mad because I wanted to stay up and hang out w/ a friend once he got out of work... However, I just couldn't do it. I went home and fell asleep at 9pm...

I woke up monday w/ chest pain and all over yuckiness so I called in... I slept till 11am - which isn't normal for me... So, I layed around watched tv - and then fell asleep at like 2pm and slept til 6ish. Not feeling any better so I called in to work for tuesday *today*.

So, this morning, I woke up not feeling any better - so I went to Horseshoe Pond Urgent care at around 10am... Urgent shouldn't be a part of their title. I walked in and signed in... Sat there for over an hour and finally went up to the desk and asked about when I would be seen - 10 people had come and gone before I had even registered.

Finally around 11:30 I was registered. I get back into a room - next to a camp counselor who has pink eye. YIKES. Finally a nurse comes in and I have to put on a johnny - I worked that johnny - you know it...

So, the Physician Assistant comes in - he is tripping over his words, dropping stuff and can't make EYE CONTACT... NICE, huh? So I think I am coming in for something to do w/ my chest pain and he checks out my ears - and says there is yellow fluid in both ears - and I have SINUSITIS... and costochondritis...

So, I am on an antibiotic and need to take a decongestion med tomorrow *because I already took an allergy med this morning*. So, I got a note to be oow for one more day - hoping the antibiotic will kick in... So, hopefully I won't feel so CRAPULOUS tomorrow!

1 comment:

Mama Mia said...

i have been worried aboutyou..hope you feel better