
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I believe Rudeness is subjective

I love facebook. I have found a lot of people I haven't talked to in years and have reconnected. I think it is a great social networking thing. So, there was this guy from college that I requested to be a friend and he never accepted me. I thought that was weird because he was at least a drinking buddy in college and some of his buds are my friends as well. So, I thought I would just ask him if it was an oversight or if I did something to make him not want to be my friend. I got a response today and it said:

"We never were friends, you didn't send a message when you friended (rude) me and I really don't feel like I have any reason to keep in touch."

Wow. While in the whole grand scheme of things I really don't give a rat's behind, this is a guy who used to crash on the couch of my apartment in 1997 when he was too drunk to walk/drive home.

I RARELY send a message when I friend people either. Am I missing a facebook social norm? Have I been facebook rude? Oh lordy day.

While this is certainly not really any skin off my back because who needs a HOLIER THAN THOU friend especially on facebook, it stings for a second and hence my blog.

In retrospect I wish I hadn't responded to him but I responded by simply saying:

"Okay. That's completely fine. Thank you for your honesty."

I very well may be the rudest person in the whole wide world, but that is only one person's perception. Other people think my shit don't stink, so since those people outweigh the other people I am going to believe that I really do kick ass.


H said...

In all of the friend requests I've made, I can count on one hand the ones that have included messages. I don't think it's rude at all to not include a message.

He's just a prick.

ldolloph said...

Well, you know where I stand...YOU ROCK!

Mom of 3 Boys said...

he's a freaking idiot.
sometimes i put a note but sometimes not and isnt the point for the person to friend you so you can THEN write a note!
i had some people not friend me as well which i thought was odd since they live in my town! haha! maybe i am not as well liked as i thought!

Mom of 3 Boys said...

haha give me his name. i want to friend him too.