
Friday, October 3, 2008

Something wicked this way comes...

I had a horrible nightmare last night. It was like a bad Rob Zombie movie. I can't remember how it started but it ended up that there was this Mad Max kind of Fraternity and they would gang rape women and then remove their skin - some how I became the next victim.

The most vibrant part of this dream was that I was trying to escape this motley crue of scary fraternity brothers and we were on this rural road - but not rural enough that there weren't houses or anything - and this gaggle of scary dudes came up on me on foot as well as in some vehicles and every time I screamed for help to the people standing in their driveways, they would rev the engines of their vehicles to drown out my pleas for help... I was wearing a skirt and one of the guys removed my underwear. Another guy had many Prince Albert piercings and was completely exposed and another of the guys started removing his pants and exclaimed, "We have killed seven people today and had NO SEX!" and when he started to remove his pants he had growths and fungus and yuckiness all in his genital area.

I started to run away into the field and someone yelled to me, a woman who knew me well enough to yell, "Mary-Elizabeth Katherine Mills - what is going on?" and then a guy drove up to her on a motorcycle with flowers (like a date) and with that she totally became oblivious to the bedlam that was going on in front of her...

LUCKILY - my cell phone was ringing with a text and it woke me from my slumber. IT WAS FREAKY... I do remember at one point, I was on what was supposed to be KSC campus and there were some other girls that partied with this fraternity and one girl ended up standing with her feet in the toilet, swirling around and then fell and hit her head on the bath tub and died. WEIRD - Please tell me what all of this means?


At work, my friend Holly and I are Co-Chairs of the Social Committee - so we orchestrated a JEANS DAY for today because it is Lee National Denim Day - people need to pay $5 to wear jeans and the proceeds go to Breast Cancer research - we have raised approximately $900.00 - which I think is awesome.

What frosts my fanny is that there are people here today WEARING JEANS who did not pay! That is just lower than low and I hope they all rot in hell.

1 comment:

Mama Mia said...

That could potentially be the scariest dream I have EVERn heard..SORRY, and glad you got that TEXT to wake you..And MAY THOSE JEAN WEARNING CHEAPSKATES ROTT!!!